I'm one of those who is walking across America with her fingertips. I'm feeling the energies constellating around our launch date, Marcy 8, 2011, the 100th International Women's Day. So much has happened since 1911... the vote, the feminist movement, telecommunications and the Internet.
We at Sole2Soul Walk and women everywhere are poised for the next wave of women moving together toward the future. This one is coming from the depths of our souls, as we listen to our inner call to participate in this moment.
I am here on the computer, massaging the field of our communications, while the walkers are anticipating 7 months away from home. I want you to hear what Mary Knapp shared with us in an email, speaking to her co-walker Doris Davis:
"In my heart I know that this walk needs to be undertaken for all the important reasons of the mission and the message. I know that. I really, really REALLY know that! And as you have said before, you were born to do this. My oh my oh my, but I feel the same way, too……… but ohhhhhhhh Doris, my heart aches. It used to be only in the middle of the night that I would be tormented as I lay listening to my sweet husband’s even breathing, knowing that we will soon be apart for what will seem an eternity. Now, as the time draws closer, it follows me all throughout the day, thoughts of being separated from him and my children and my home and my life as I knew it. Untethered. Loosed from my moorings. SEVEN months!
I know my life will never be the same. ..and while I know that’s OK and that it is a good thing and that it has to be, still another part of me is hunkered over the toilet retching and asking “what the hell was I thinking?????"
I have described to my husband that this feels a bit like Alice down the rabbit hole and bless his heart, he reminds me that it had a happy ending."
Please join me in sending our blessings and love to the walkers who are physically activating this wave of the women's movement.
My prayers and blessings go to all women across America who are participating in this pivotal walk...May you be richly blessed along your journey!